Robotics and Automation


Department History

Department of Computer Science was established in 2015 in Kurdistan Technical Institute. The purpose of establishing this department is to familiarize students with both software and hardware . . . .

Students are also prepared academically and scientifically to become owners of their own businesses and create job opportunities for others in the future.

Section Objectives:

* This department provides students with full knowledge and expertise in these areas, such as programming, databases, networks, websites and information protection.

* Introducing students to be able to create software for public and private institutions.

* Prepare and train students to obtain internationally accredited certificates such as Cisco and Oracle.

Section View:

* The Department of Computer Science continues to train talented cadres who can find jobs in the Kurdistan and Iraqi markets, or compete in science.

* The Department of Computer Science tries to participate and coordinate with universities and colleges in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region through special programs, in order to promote the scientific field in order to improve the ability of students.


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